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Day Hike food suggestions:

  • sandwiches
  • fruit – fresh or dried
  • hard cheese (cheddar, Parmesan, string cheese, etc.)
  • tortillas, mini pitot, crackers, rice cakes, corn chips
  • 0lives drained of liquid. They don’t spoil and they replenish the salt you lose.
  • spreads to put on bread or crackers i.e. peanut butter, hummus, jam, honey, crushed olive spread
  • protein bars. I personally don’t take them as most (all?) are full of sugar but many people find them convenient
  • tuna in water – vacuum packs, not cans

For a multi-day trek when it is more likely that you will at least bring cooking gas, a pot or kettle, extra water and a lighter, in addition to the above-listed foods I would consider bringing one or more of the following:

  • instant noodles – Don’t buy the ones in a disposable cup since they take up too much space and will get crushed in your backpack. Get the ones that come in a packet.
  • instant mashed potatoes – lightweight and can be packed in individual serving size in ziplock baggies. (Tip: add tuna to mashed potatoes and it gives you both protein and carbs which your body needs after a long, strenuous day.)
  • rice, lentils, couscous – I have never done this since I don’t want to have to wash up plates or pots and these foods sound like added weight to me but, on the other hand, they are easy to pack in ziplock baggies and they keep forever.

What nutritious, light weight and easy-to-pack foods have you come up with? I’d love to hear from you!