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– Backpack. I highly recommend the packs made by Sabra Gear.

Navigation. I use the israelhiking app almost exclusively. There is also a desktop version. The language can be changed from Hebrew to English in “settings”. But even if you think you will have cell phone reception, it is always a good idea to have a printed map with you, just in case.

– Clothing. You may not need to bring anything besides what you are wearing but if the day starts out cold and warms up, you might want to change into shorter clothing. I usually prefer to stay in my long cargo hiking pants in case I encounter any trails that are overgrown with brambles or I have to do any sliding down boulders on my bum. If you know you will encounter opportunities for taking a dip along the way, then a change of clothes, a towel and water shoes would be in order.

– 3 liter camelback. If you plan to make coffee on the trail or the weather is particularly hot, then bring more water.

– Hiking poles. I keep discovering uses for them besides the obvious of helping to keep me stable on my feet. They can be used as a weapon, if necessary. They can be used to test depth of mud or water. And by clacking my poles together, I have persuaded a massive bull to clear the way for me to pass.


– Footwear. Hiking boots or sports shoes with GOOD rock grip. (It is advisable to buy shoes or boots that are 1-1 1/2 sizes larger than what you normally wear because your feet will swell.) Flip flops to change into when you’re finished. These can be left in your car. Your feet will thank me :-).

– Injinji “toes-y” socks. Keeping your toes separated helps prevent blisters. I ordered mine from Amazon.

– If you plan to take a break and make hot drinks en route…..gas burner and gas cannister, kettle, lighter, light weight plastic or aluminum mug, coffee/tea/chocolate/sugar/powdered milk.

– Plastic spork if the food you brought requires

– Plastic bag for your own garbage.

– Tissues to use for toilet paper.

Suggested small items: bandaids, sunglasses, lip balm, camera/cell phone, power bank and cable, selfie stick, sun lotion, hat, light jacket or rain poncho (depending on the weather), whistle in case of emergency, pepper spray